How the crown chakra is connected to emotional wellbeing
Today we’re finishing up my series on the chakra system and its links to emotional health and wellbeing with the crown chakra – the final chakra in the traditional 7-chakra series.
As the name suggests, the crown chakra sits right at the top of the skull (the ‘crown’ of the head) and is our connection with the divine or our ‘higher power’, closely linked with enlightenment and spirituality.
What is the crown chakra?
Symbolised by the colour violet or pure white, the crown chakra (Sahasrara in…
How healing the third eye chakra can support emotional health
If you’ve been following my chakra series up until now, you’ll now know that each chakra can have a significant influence on our emotional wellbeing as well as our physical health*. The third eye chakra is no different – affecting not just our mood and connection with others but also our sense of self.
*Note: the chakras should be balanced in order from the root upwards, so if you’re visiting for the first time, take a look at the other chakra guides here.
What is the third eye chakra?
Known …
How does the Throat Chakra link to our emotions
Today in my monthly chakra series we’re shining the spotlight on the throat chakra – the fifth chakra in the seven-chakra system. The throat chakra is especially interesting when it comes to our emotions – in particular the way in which we express them (or don’t – more on this later).
What is the throat chakra?
Symbolised by the colour blue, the throat chakra (Vishudda in Sanskrit) is located in the centre of the neck, around the Adam’s apple region. It governs our communication and language –…
How can we work with the Heart Chakra for Emotional Healing?
All of my blogs here have focused on how we can work with each of the chakras to facilitate deeper emotional healing (for a more generic overview of each chakra, head over to my sister site Physiocare Holistics here.) One chakra stands out above the rest when we consider what most of us define as matters of emotional importance - anahata, or the Heart Chakra.
Our Heart Chakra is the chakra associated with unconditional love and self-love, as well as governing many of our relationships with othe…
What is the Solar Plexus Chakra, and how can healing it support Emotional Wellbeing?
Today we’re continuing my special chakra series (if this is your first time here, take a look at the previous chakra blogs here) – and in this blog we’re focusing on and exploring the Solar Plexus Chakra.
This wonderful chakra governs our ego, power and sense of self-confidence – areas which in most of us require a little extra attention and deeper healing.
What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?
The third energy centre in the seven-chakra system, the Solar Plexus Chakra is symbolised by a blissful,…
Understanding the Sacral Chakra and its link to Emotional Wellbeing
If you read my latest blog on the Root Chakra (you can take a look here if you haven’t already), you’ll know that the chakra system has a significant influence on our health in many ways. These influences are buried deep within and are often inaccessible to us unless we take the time to look and know how to recognise the signs. Many people I meet are unaware of the effect these underlying issues and blockages can have until they learn about the chakras and understand where imbalances and misalig…
Understanding the Root Chakra and its link to Emotional Wellbeing
Originating in the East, the chakras have been known of and studied for thousands of years – and now more and more people in the West are learning about and tapping into this ancient system to help bring balance and harmony to all areas of their life, including their physical health and emotional wellness. Although we can’t see the chakras, we can certainly feel their influence on our day to day lives.
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be introducing the chakra system here with a focus on emotional…