The Cancer Wellness Path
Welcome to The Cancer Wellness Path and congratulations for taking the first step along the path (arriving at this page!). I am so pleased to see you here. The Cancer Wellness Path is a monthly membership which I know is going to be life changing for either yourself or someone you know.
If you are new to my world then allow me to introduce myself. I am Simone, founder of PhysioCare Holistics and Soul Aligned Wellness where you will find a fusion of clinical care, holistic care, the power of the mind-body connection and the magic of energetics. All with one purpose, empowering you to become the CEO of your wellness.
There was a time when I believed the clinical way was the only way. It took me longer than I would like to admit to realise the true potential of an integrated approach, blending clinical and holistic care, especially integrating the power of our mind-body connection and the energetic link between the two.
There was no resource like this to guide the way, and this is why I have created The Cancer Wellness Path.
Personal experience of a life alongside cancer, combined with my specialist clinical and holistic expertise has inspired me to share my knowledge and create a ripple of change.
Clinical knowledge is important, and the truly life changing transformation you will experience when you enter my world is going beyond the clinical. The magic happens when you move beyond the clinical. “How do I know?” I hear you ask – Because I have witnessed this time and time again with my own eyes.
And you can open your eyes too, to all the possibilities, seeing cancer in a different light, feeling wellness in a way you may never have imagined. Not everything always makes sense from a clinical perspective. Not making sense may appear illogical, and it is not a reason to not look outside the box.
My soul mission is to empower as many people as possible living alongside and beyond cancer to embrace wellness over illness. The blending of clinical and holistic MAKES a difference, it’s neither one or the other, it is both, an integrated approach.
Wellness starts from within, yet so often we have never been taught where to start.
I don’t want you to not know where to start. The Cancer Wellness Path is your path to wellness, and I am here to guide you. I know you are ready to take that first step, aren't you?
Looking forward to seeing you on the inside
Simone x